Sub: Prevention of Bullying and Ragging in schools.
With reference to circulars No.DE.23(514)/Sch.Br./168 dated 09.12.2017 and No.DE.23(514)/Sch.Br./MHRD/574 dated 12.04.2017 on the above cited subject, it is implied that the guidelines issued in the circulars have been complied by all the Heads of Schools. In order to have an amiable and teaching-learning conducive environment in the school it is indispensable that the school must be free from bullying and ragging etc. There must be respectful relationship among students, school administration and families. The message in all the schools that “Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished” must be circulated through the school magazine and other means. Anti-bullying message must be displayed at prominent places of the school.
School Level Interventions
- School Level Anti-Bullying committee has been constituted in our school comprising: –
S.No | Designation | Name |
1 | Principal | Fr. B. Anthony Amaladoss |
2 | Senior Male Teacher | Mr. Parbodh Bamba |
3 | EVGC Counsellor | Ms. Krishma Harjai |
4 | SMC Representative | Mr. Gopal Mittal |
5 | Social Worker | Mr. Ssameer Sabarwal |
6 | Primary In-charge | Ms. Ritu Kalra |
Role and responsibilities
- Development and review of School Bullying Prevention Plan.
- Implementation of bullying prevention programme.
- Organizing sensitization against bullying for staff, students, and parents.
- Being vigilant and observing signs of bullying among the students and responding quickly and sensitively.
- To follow the graded response system to address the cases of bullying in school.
- The process of fair investigation should not be ordinarily challengeable.
- Comprehensive guidelines will be developed for management of school which include various actions and penalties which may be taken by the School Management as per observation and understanding of the gravity of the misconduct. Some of the recommended actions include:
- Oral/written warning.
- Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period
- Withholding or cancelling the results.
- Imposition of fine upto a specified amount.
- Expulsion/rustication from school in rarest of rare cases
- The option of transferring a student from one school to another school may also be looked into.
- Schools must take initiative to conduct activities under already constituted Samarth Club to educate and develop the understanding among students, staff and parents about the problem and effects of bullying. School should take initiatives to provide Life Skills Education, Value Education, Human Rights, Gender Sensitivity, Self-Esteem, Empathy, Interpersonal Communication, coping with stress and emotions, dealing with anger, and resisting peer pressure need to be conscientiously taken up in the activity periods., These can take the form of role plays, street theatre (nukkadnatak), group-discussions, debates, special assemblies in schools, poster competitions, etc.
A complaint/suggestion box must be installed in the school and the feedback received is to be monitored regularly. The necessary issues may be discussed and appropriately addressed. All the students are to be sensitized about human rights, democratic values, for diversity, equality and respect for privacy and dignity of others. There must be proper sensitization of community also regarding bullying and ragging through SMC meetings, PTM and Parents representing in other Committees of the school and their support is to be availed in bullying prevention efforts.